Hi All

For a while now I have wanted to try games other than the ones Games-Workshop make, its not that i'm bored of GW I just want to broaden my Gaming horizon. Also GW haven't really made a new game in 10 years.
My idea was to pick up a few rule-books and just enough model to play the games and see which I like most. (I think I may have a Rule-book collecting addiction)
Looking though the rulebook I liked Khador the most, none of the other races really appeal to me. To be honest I find Hordes much more interesting, I like the look of Trollbloods, Circle Orboros and Skorne, but the Hordes rule-book wasn't released at the time.
Anyway on to the models i've made. I've got about 21 points so far and I think I will leave it at that till I've played a few games.
The plastics are interesting. They aren't supplied the on traditional frames like Games-workshop models, but still have loads of mold lines.