The venue was amazing, purpose built for tournaments. Downstairs is the store and upstairs is the gaming hall which is half done (when its finished, they said it will hold over 100 players).
You can find a proper write up here
I nicked these pics from there website, I'm sure they wont mind, seeing as this is kind of a free advert.

inside (borrowed the pic from the Heelan Hammer Forums)

And the winners (and me)
From left to right
Best Painted- Wayne Kemp
Me with the Flames of War book, which I won for coming last.
2nd- Sib
Most Sporting- Alan Thompson
1st- Dan Heelan
3rd- Russ Veal
Best Painted- Wayne Kemp
Me with the Flames of War book, which I won for coming last.
2nd- Sib
Most Sporting- Alan Thompson
1st- Dan Heelan
3rd- Russ Veal
All the people I played against was great opponents. And I want to give a special thanks to Greg Milne. Who after giving me a bashing, gave me a training game at lunch time. And I had a great game with Mark from 'My Warhammer Fantasy Blog' which ended as a draw.
I've bought a ticket for the Summer Incursion, I think my army is going to need a serious rethink!